7 Year Olds We are dedicated to helping parents with questions about their 7-year-olds. 2020-09-11T21:20:14Z https://7yearolds.com/feed/atom/ WordPress https://7yearolds.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/cropped-7-Year-Olds-Icon-32x32.png Caitlyn <![CDATA[The 5 Best Baseball Gloves For A 7-Year-Old]]> https://7yearolds.com/?p=3175 2020-09-11T21:20:14Z 2020-09-11T21:20:10Z Choosing the right baseball glove for your 7-year-old does not need to be a stressful process! There are quite a few options on the market, but there are only a…

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Caitlyn <![CDATA[The 5 Best Power Wheels For A 7-Year-Old]]> https://7yearolds.com/?p=2784 2020-09-11T20:05:00Z 2020-09-11T20:04:45Z What 7-year-old wouldn’t want to cruise around their home or driveway with fancy looking set of power wheels? There are power wheels for all different ages, and you need to…

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Caitlyn <![CDATA[The 9 Best Go-Karts For A 7-Year-Old]]> https://7yearolds.com/?p=2780 2020-09-11T19:19:36Z 2020-09-11T19:19:30Z There are very few presents that are as awesome as a brand new go-kart when you are 7-years-old! Choosing the right go-kart for your kid allows them to spend hours…

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Caitlyn <![CDATA[The 5 Best Outdoor Toys For 7-Year-Olds]]> https://7yearolds.com/?p=2835 2020-09-11T18:24:52Z 2020-09-11T18:24:36Z At 7-years-old, there really is nothing better than being outdoors, enjoying the sun, and playing with some of the coolest toys around! To get your child spending more time outdoors,…

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Caitlyn <![CDATA[The 5 Best Card Games For 7-Year-Olds]]> https://7yearolds.com/?p=2778 2020-09-11T18:19:13Z 2020-09-11T17:38:54Z Card games are the best way to pass some time indoors, and they can bring the whole family together for some fun, competition, and laughs! At 7-years-old, your kid is…

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Caitlyn <![CDATA[What Size 4 Wheeler For A 7-Year-Old?]]> https://7yearolds.com/?p=2782 2020-09-11T18:19:13Z 2020-09-11T16:17:16Z As a parent, you want to give your child the opportunity to have as much fun as possible, but you also want to keep them safe at all times. If…

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Caitlyn <![CDATA[Knock Knock Jokes For 7-Year-Olds In 2020]]> https://7yearolds.com/?p=3012 2020-09-11T18:19:14Z 2020-09-11T16:08:12Z Knock knock jokes are universally recognized for being able to make nearly anyone laugh, no matter your age! When your kid turns 7, they might want to try their hand…

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Caitlyn <![CDATA[The 9 Best Tablets For A 7-Year-Old In 2020]]> https://7yearolds.com/?p=2776 2020-09-11T18:19:14Z 2020-09-10T21:11:28Z The world is constantly growing and changing, and you need to help your 7-year-old keep up with it. Technology is an ever-present part of our lives now, and your child…

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Caitlyn <![CDATA[The 5 Best Polaroid Cameras For A 7-Year-Old]]> https://7yearolds.com/?p=2774 2020-09-11T18:19:15Z 2020-09-10T20:29:55Z Polaroid cameras are all the rage at the moment, and it makes for the perfect gift for a 7-year-old! While we all have smartphones in our pocket to snap off…

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Caitlyn <![CDATA[The 9 Best Scooters For A 7-Year-Old In 2020]]> https://7yearolds.com/?p=2772 2020-09-11T18:19:15Z 2020-08-25T18:11:55Z Scooters are perfect for allowing kids to have good, wholesome fun. It gets them away from screens, into the outdoors, moving and keeping fit. The scooters we knew as kids…

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