Reading is one of the most valuable skills for a child to learn. I remember learning how to put together consonants and vowels with my mother, and it was her…
As I have been helping my sister-in-law with her kids over the past 6 months, I have become much more aware of how important appropriate discipline is for a child.…
Television shows have become a large part of our society, no matter how much Generation X tries to resist that fact. So when it comes to figuring out what is…
Nothing gets better than reading books with your 7-year-old kids, but it’s hard to know if the books you are reading will be well-received. I decided to do a little…
The age your little girl should get her ears pierced is a number that is up to your opinion and isn’t something set in stone. Often times it depends on…
Owning their own dog is almost every 7-year-old’s dream! Having a buddy that you can call your own can give kids a great sense of love and worth. What are…